Monday, 30 November 2009

Me, Bordeaux and the crazy French lady!

So all has been going pretty well in Bordeaux. Still missing family and home yes, but i really do love it here. So much so i am thinking of choosing Bordeaux as my place to come for my studies when i need to come back to France. Whilst i know it would be good to explore another part of France i also know that i have friends here, i know the City and what's more i know that i actually like it!

I have also done a little thinking whilst out here and i think i would really like to teach English to French kids for real...not just this pretend stuff that we are doing at the moment but actualy be a proper English teacher out here in France. The only thing stopping me is being so far away from family and friends...but they can move right?!

The teaching is still going great, i love the College, the kids, the teachers, they are all lovely and all make an effort with me. I'm not going to lie and say the kids aren't a pain in the butt sometimes but hey, everyone has their off days right, i know i do! The Lycee has grown on me more, however i'm still finding it difficult to fit in there, the kids are nice but just don't feel as comfortable in the staff room as i do in College. However, there is one woman(25) who has taken to talking to me in English as she wants to improve etc, she is very forward and open and hits me a lot in a playful manner (though it actually hurts!!) but she is also really funny and brightens up my afternoons spent in the staff room. I have just recently learnt that the reason she wants to speak English better is so that she can watch Desperate Housewives in it's original form and 2 days before the French dubbed version is shown, what better reason to improve your language skills!

Went to see Twilight:New Moon this week too with Lisa, and yes we went to see it in French, which by the way i actually understood! go me...i thought it would totally ruin the experience but no...thankfully i was able to laugh when appropriate and cringe when required. And let's not forget, there was a suitable level of half Naked guys...done deal!

So this week coming should be eventful, got a birthday celebration coming up, which will end in tears i'm sure! Also best friend(awww lol) is coming to Bordeaux for the weekend, he is in Avignon at the moment, i will make it there eventually. So will keep you informed of the week and how it progresses. Can't wait!!


Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Le Boulet

Hey so i just had to update you all on the film that i watched last night on tv here in's called 'Le Boulet'... i feel i have to share my experience as it was just so funny. Now here was a film filmed in France, in Paris in fact, that has attempted everything possible to steer clear of the typical french looking film. The obvious next step for them was to try and make the film into an American action thriller/comedy, BUT withough the big budget, needless to say it was no Hollywood blockbuster! The effects were awful, the kind that you watch and say, really?!?! your trying to pass this off! But neverthless it was extrememly funny and the terrible effects throughout just strenghthened the comedy....however i'm sure this was not the intention of the director! Also one of the actor in it i actually recognise, not from a French film but an English speaking one, so must go and investigate who he is cause i can't remember is bloody name!!

So if you're up for a laugh and wanna watch a french film check this out...i think i may even watch it again one day so it can't have been that bad...although my roommate Lara did leave the room and sat in the kitchen for the entire film but hey, it was fun!

Monday, 9 November 2009

Oh how i love the French!

Hi all

Been a while since i've written on here, sorry about that...will try and keep more of a rhythm.

Firstly i would just like to say that i love France and the french!!

Secondly...the French are weird! Just in general weird! Those of you living in France will know exactly what i'm meaning, constantly kissing each other passing on 'Grippe A' like its an extended form of facial herpes! Also the paperwork...does France not know that we are trying to conserve rainforests and their vastly decreasing trees. But what really gets me going is need to insert the following words into a conversation every 2/3 words throughout...'genial', 'super', 'cooooolllleee' insead of the normal cool! oh and let's not forget, 'buh'..."ah buh, oui, buhhhhhhhhhhhhh"....if you don't know what to say how about just being quiet and giving my eardrums a rest for, oh i dunno, 2 seconds!

Anyway enough ranting about the French's speaking habits. Having such a great time here. On Saturday night was at my roommates teacher's house for what we were told was just a little apperatif!! on the contrary..turned out to be the womans birthday, she proceeded to whap out the champagne, with loads of little nibbles which turned out just to be the starter. THEN we had duck, which was superb! But the best is yet to come, she served the duck with only the finest pomme de terres that exist in the whole world...Smileys!!!!! Now that was just pure class, dunno what was going on there, champagne with Smileys but hey ho it rocked my socks neverthless. We also had tarts and canalais, a typically Bordeaulaise cake. oh and we also went through our fair share of red wine. The teacher though was absolutely fantastic, such a hoot and her daughters were lovely too, we never stopped laughing the whole night. For any of you that have french tv or know of the programme 'un diner presque parfait' we decided that night that we are going to have our very own 'diner' doing everything just like the show, right down to the filming of opinions in the toilette!! the french really do have class huh??

Oh also went to see 'This is it' the Michael Jackson film, which i must say was pretty amazing, for any of you that haven't ventured to the pics i highly reccomend that you do. The man was a legend, even at 50 his dance moves were still spectacular!

Anyhoo bye for noo....

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Internet at last!

So i finally have wifi in the flat woop woop. This is my first post since i arrived in France.

Im kind of tired so not going to ramble on too much!

When i arrived here i suddenly felt really home just kind of hit me. But after calming myself down and meeting up with another assistant i started to remember all the good things about me being here. I have had a couple of 'episodes' shall we say since then but overall i have been loving every minute. Miss my family and friends loads but having an amazing time here, it really is the chance of a lifetime!

So have explored Bordeaux a bit...although there is still loads to see. And i LOVE IT!!! Its so pretty, so calming, yet with the busy feel of a city, its bizarre!

I love going out for walks and just exploring the City, have been taking loads of pics which i shall put up eventually.

Living in a flat with two other assistants, both lovely and we get on really good which is a bonus!

Really enjoying working with the kids too, the ones at the College are just so sweet, especially 6e! They just get so excited...and no matter where i am in the school there are always kids running up to me saying "hello" and "hi louise" its great!

Will update later on the other goings on in Bordeaux life but for the moment, A bientot!

Thursday, 17 September 2009


So i've been sitting here watching endless episodes of Friends when i thought to myself...time for another blog!

So its only ELEVEN days until i leave for Bordeaux, i think i am past the excited stage and onto the nerve-wrecking nervous stage of the process. I find myself really close to tears when i think of the silliest things, like....not seeing the next episodes of One tree hill in the comfort of my own home, or walking to my local shop, doggie in tow. :( silly i know but can you imagine how i am when i think of the bigger things like my family and friends...ah no im welling up as we speak! I'm going to miss this god forsaken place i call home!

Anyways enough of this depressing chat! I have found somwhere to stay (woo!) and i am rather excited about meeting my new roomies...a Palestinian and a Brazilian, strange how we are brought together! Anyhoo...super excited about living in the apartment with them and sharing our time as assistants together, not to mention all those talks about those "bloody kids!".

Also another thing off my to-do list...the paper work! well as much of it as i can get done here. I am mightly aware that there is a mountain of it waiting for me 'on the other side'. At least i have done as much as possible from here though, which i am proud of :D. Oh i do need to get those silly little passport photos taken know the ones...they scream, "this is my worst look ever caught on camera!" it happens to us all unfortunately.

The last thing i need to do is, wait for it... PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i've started a list, that counts for something right??)

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

It's coming real fast!!

So for those of you that don't know me...My name is Louise and i am a 20 year old undergraduate of Stirling University in Scotland studying English and French. Oh...and i am about to embark on the one of the most memorable experiences of my life!

So since i received my arrete, and discovered that i am going to be working as an english language assistant in Bordeaux City(lucky right? i know :D), i have been tackling the never ending list of things to do! I'm starting to think it will actually NEVER end. But do not fear....i shall conquer it (hopefully before it conquers me...)

Since i found out about my placement i have been spending every spare minute on the internet, looking up all the delights of Bordeaux whilst trying to get through the mountain of paperwork that needs to be done. I thought this was supposed to be an experience of a lifetime?!? sister has cunningly decided that abandoning her to go gallovanting around France gives her the right to guilt me into tidying and sorting out allllll of my 'belongings' in out room instead of leaving her to do it all once i'm away(as she put it). However, i later found out that this plan had an underlying rid the room of all things me and to let her have free reign of the room! cunning right? Not just a pretty 13 year old i say! I think i will be lucky to come home to a bed for me in the room...down to the kitchen with the dog it is!

I shall keep you all updated on my planning and paperwork, but more importantly my adventure to France when i get there....which let's face it, is just a mere 20 days away! eeek!

Bye for now!